Pause to Prosper


Vision. Confidence. Energy. Abundance. Productivity. 

Money Breakthrough Life + Business Coaching

Bringing together 20 YEARS of passion and dedication to wellbeing, personal development, business, mindset and energy work. Revealing some of the best breakthrough and transformational work to support you to go for what you REALLY WANT with your life and business 

Find your Self Power...

Confidence. Energy. Abundance. Productivity. 

Money Breakthrough Business Coaching

Bringing together 20 YEARS of passion and dedication to wellbeing, personal development, business, mindset and energy work. Revealing some of the best breakthrough and transformational work to support you to go for what you REALLY WANT with your life and business 


Alexandra Worsley here...

Sharing with you GOLDEN NUGGETS, insights, and inspirations to find your self power and PROSPER using the experience and expertise that have been honed through working with people like you since 2004. I am here to help you:

  • Master your MONEY MINDSET and attract more abundance
  • Manage your TIME better and get more productive
  • Create more physical ENERGY with wellness upgrades
  • Unlock more heart felt PURPOSE
  • Learn how to get the SELF BELIEF to play full out
  • Gather the COURAGE and trust your decisions 
  • Find FULFILMENT and SUCCESS on your terms
  • Get clarity and support to build "that" life and business you REALLY WANT. You know... the one that sparks abundance, joy, passion... and PROSPER!

... It's time to allow your life to be incredible... NOW!


Click here to get regular updates from Alexandra


Amazing Training and Mentors

You will receive the combined wisdom of training and mentors that I have had the privilege to work with, learn from, and distill over the last two decades. Including, to name just a few:

  • Bob Proctor: mastering your prosperity mindset
  • Kendall Summerhawk: money breakthrough business training
  • Trauma Therapy Certification: Somatic Reclamation
  • Daniel Priestly: building a business strategy
  • One of Many: women's leadership coaching training and tools
  • The 3 Principles: new psychology and approach to mental health
  • Theta Healing with Vianna Stibal: developing your intuition
  • NLP Coaching with The Change Institute
  • Tony Robins: Life Alchemist
  • Lakeland College of Homeopathy: Learning to work with your energy body using energy medicine and  energy healing modalities

I'll share experience of my own journey and that of my clients, putting all this into practice creating a life and business that has me excited to get out of bed everyday! 

Book a call


Alexandra Worsley
Professional Speaker,

Prosperity Mindset + Energy Coach

Multiple Business Owner + Mentor

Supporting you to find your self power...

and create more energy, confidence, abundance and productivity 

... to PROSPER!


Alexandra has over 20 years experience and training in wellness and personal development alongside a passion for building and growing successful business ventures with love and purpose. 
She helps you uncover more energy, balance and confidence to face change and fear with more ease, access more abundance and love what you do, whatever the outcome.
With a chemistry degree that then led into her training for 3 years with energy medicine and homeopathy, that was the start of her 20 years of work and inspiration in the field of wellbeing and business.
She bridges the masculine, logical, strategic, business acumen with the intuitive, magic and power of feminine leadership into her work.
She believes that the role of leaders and business owners are to be the change we want to see in the world and to take responsibility for your wellbeing and self - leadership is vital to enable the shift we want to see in our communities we impact and our cultures consciousness.
Become the leader of your own life, strengthen your presence and impact to leave the world a better place because you have lived.
Develop the clarity, confidence and resilience to lead from your heart... and make more money and impact as you do! Isn't it time you PROSPER?
Book a call and have a breakthrough NOW

Enjoy these free resources 

Ready to take a step and gain the support to lead and succeed with more confidence, energy, abundance and productivity. Start with these FREE resources...

Don't miss this... 

Join me on a journey to discover how to Lead YOUR Life and Business with more vision and energy... with inspiration to your inbox every single week. 

Discover ways to create more money, time, energy and self belief. You will also be the first to know about new products and courses.

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Just Breathe! 

Download my "power breathe" audio to inspire and support you to create more confidence instantly.

Discover an easy way to feel calmer, more focused and in control whenever you need it…


Get the "power breathe" now!

Discovery 1:1 session 

Discover what's really in your way to creating an abundant life and business that is heart led and lights you up.

Curious about what its like to have me by your side every step of the way? Lets get you a breakthrough now and have a taster of what its like to work with me.

Book a cuppa with me...

What people say


Contagious enthusiasm, safe space to learn and grow. My energy is back! Got the result I wanted and more"

Kate  - Scotland

Alexandra's ability to observe, interpret, analyse and find the keys to what's in my brain and unlock the magic - it's a gift. She has a gift"

Claire - Manchester, England

"Working with Alex is a must for everyone - everyone needs it! She's a breathe of fresh air and her work has transformed my life and business beyond belief. Hard to put into words..."

Jen, Wirrel

Alexandra provides an oasis of calm in the madness of covid times, showing me care, compassion and helping me find the clarity I needed to move forward. Her intuition and ability to inspire action and transform my life and business are second to none. Magical experience"

Sue K - Cheshire, England